Women in Business

Boston College Women in Business is an organization, network, and community of undergraduate female students dedicated to their empowerment and education. WIB is committed to the growth and expansion of professional and personal opportunities for its members, with a focus on business, leadership, and female celebration and innovation.

Additionally, the group is devoted to helping students answer Father Himes' three crucial questions in the development of their vocation:  

1) What brings me joy?

2) What am I good at?

3) Who does the world need me to be?


Our Mission

Boston College Women in Business is an organization, network, and community of undergraduate female students dedicated to their empowerment and education. WIB is committed to the growth and expansion of professional and personal opportunities for its members, with a focus on business, leadership, and female celebration and innovation.

Additionally, the group is devoted to helping students answer Father Himes' three crucial questions in the development of their vocation:  

1) What brings me joy?

2) What am I good at?

3) Who does the world need me to be?



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non finibus tellus. Donec laoreet ipsum vel eleifend tempor.



Connect with WIB or email our co-presidents directly!


Hadley Griggs griggshb@bc.edu | Ashley DeRocco deroccoa@bc.edu